
From the horse's perspective - webinar

Publicerad: 21 augusti 2017

Under EM i ridsport som just nu pågår i Göteborg ges även föredrag på temat hästvälfärd. Flera SLU-forskare medverkar och föredragen webbsänds.

Seminariet äger rum tisdag 22 augusti kl.9.00-15.00.

Medverkar gör:

Professor Lars Roepstorff, DVM, PhD - Equestrian Surfaces
Assoc. professor Marie Rhodin, DVM, PhD - A new era for equine orthopaedics-objective tools for lameness assessment
Dr. Lena Ström, DVM, Resident in Ophtalmology - From the horse’s point of view – Vision in horses
Assoc professor Gabriella Lindgren, MSc, PhD - New tools for breeding equine athletes
Linda Kjellberg, MSc - Horses in active open barn systems – behaviour and welfare
Mark Wentein, Chairman of the European Horse Network (EHN) on Responsible Equine Ownership – A motion for a European Parliament Resolution – by Julie Girling
Dr. Hanfried Haring on The Role of Europe in Global Equestrian Governance


Se webbsändningen här: https://www.equisport.tv/livestream/from-the-horses-perspective/


The Swedish Equestrian Federation (SvRF) in cooperation with the  European Equestrian Federation (EEF) and the World Breeding Federation  for Sport Horses (WBFSH) will host a day of seminars on the subject of  the welfare of the horse.
